Jabez Humanitarian Foundation

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"Today was a perfect (hot and humid) day. But absolutely beautiful. The sea was blue and green, the sky was blue with white puffy clouds. That also means that everyone that can walk to the clinic comes. I think by the end of the day 90 patients had been seen. Larry is talking about Joseph in his worship talks each day and today was about how long Joseph had to wait for the Cupbearer to remember him to the King. It was 13 years of waiting. He went on to talk about how we are so impatient and hate to wait for anything. It really stuck out today of how patient these people of Rabi are. They sit in the shade and bring their lunch and wait for hours to see the nurse. HOURS. And they don't have a single complaint when they get into the clinic. They are happy and smiley and just so grateful to be able to see a medical professional. It is so humbling."


Fiji was a life-changing experience for me.  I was nervous about going on the trip at first because of Fiji being such a different place and having never been there before.  But as soon as I got there (and had a full night's sleep!), I realized I had no reason to be nervous.  From that time on I enjoyed every minute in Fiji.  I made lots of new Fijian friends, I strengthened existing friendships with my group, and most of all I was a part of something important.  We made a difference!  I thank the Lord that I was able to go to Rabi, and to be honest, I would go back in a second.

Volunteers' Blog:


Fiji is my second home. I have been there many times during my life and have seen many miracles that have changed my life. Being there, either helping in the clinic, helping with construction, being with the people, or just enjoying the nature, I am close with God. Going there has changed the way I look at life. I have learned to be happy with what I have from being around the people there. They have almost nothing and yet they are the happiest people I know. After a day full of seeing God through the people there, God shows himself in the most amazing and brilliant star-filled sky I have ever seen. God’s nature there is breathtaking.  I would highly recommend going on a mission trip. You can get a new perspective of God and a glimpse of just how wonderful He is.